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What are the benefits and disadvantages of eating plum

imaginary picture  Eating plums can provide several benefits due to their nutritional content, but there may be some disadvantages to consider as well. Here are some of the potential benefits and disadvantages of eating plums: Benefits of eating plums: 1.Nutritional value: Plums are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and dietary fiber. These nutrients contribute to overall health and support various bodily functions. 2.Antioxidant properties: Plums are rich in antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds and vitamin C, which help protect the body against damage from harmful free radicals. Antioxidants can contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. 3.Digestive health: Plums contain dietary fiber, which aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber helps promote regular bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support gut health. 4.Hydration: Plums have a high water

How to use turmeric to get rid of dark circles

Tek Berry News

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 Dark circles around the eyes are a common problem for many of us.  Often you look tired and old because of dark circles.  In this case you can use turmeric.  Turmeric helps to remove your dark circles as it has anti-oxidant properties.  Let's know how you can use turmeric to get rid of dark circles

 Honey and Turmeric for Dark Circles – Mix one teaspoon of organic honey, a pinch of turmeric powder and a few drops of fresh lemon juice together.  Apply this mixture on dark circles.  Massage for 2 minutes.  Let it dry naturally and then use plain water to wash it off.  You can repeat this remedy 3 times a week.

 Olive oil and turmeric to treat dark circles – Make a paste by mixing one teaspoon extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of turmeric together.  Apply it lightly under the eyes and leave it for 20 minutes.  Wash off with plain water and use it thrice a week.

 Curd and turmeric for dark circles – Mix a teaspoon of curd with a pinch of turmeric.  Apply the mixture around the eyes, gently with your fingers.  Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash off with fresh water.

 Cucumber and turmeric for dark circles – Grate half a cucumber and extract its juice.  Add a pinch of turmeric powder to cucumber juice and mix together to prepare a paste.  Apply it on the affected area under the eyes.  Leave it for 15-20 minutes.  Repeat 3-4 times a week.

 Milk, honey and turmeric to remove dark circles – Take one teaspoon each of milk, raw honey and turmeric powder in a bowl.  Make a paste by mixing it.  Apply it on the under eye area and leave it on for 20 minutes.  Use fresh water and repeat 2 to 3 times a week.
 Get rid of dark circles with turmeric and potato juice – Grate a medium sized potato and extract the juice from the potato.  Prepare a paste by adding a pinch of turmeric powder to the juice.  Apply it on the under eye area and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.  Wash off with plain water and repeat every other day.


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